

We aim for basic or advanced students to reach academic level with our curriculum that can increase their levels.

German tutoring : 

Knowledge of German is the most important issue that everyone living in Germany will encounter in their lives. Starting German knowledge at the best level from an early age will directly affect the success of all other courses. This success adds value to us both in social life and business life.

Sometimes the lessons in schools are not enough. As Digi-Homeschooling, we offer the best alternatives for our students to get the best Deutsch lessons.


Whatever the level of the student, they often need support. Sometimes they need to be assessed and guided by an expert. In their own schools, these needs may not be met sufficiently due to the class quota or the ability of the teacher. Digi-Homeschooling is here to support your needs.

You can improve your child’s grades with lessons given by expert teachers who know the German education system well, whose mother tongue is German. By going to class ready to learn according to the curriculum in their own class, you can increase self-confidence and motivation and increase their success in the classroom environment.

With Digi-Homeschooling, our students can follow their lessons in a funny way at home with one-to-one private lessons or small groups of 6 people.

Remember! Investing in education is always a profitable investment. Especially if this investment is in the future of your child …


In one-to-one lessons, the student’s progress is monitored step by step.

Pre-exam preparation is focussed on the subjects that are particularly needed.

The possibility to ask questions to the teacher by sending a message whenever needed gives you confidence and time.

Group lessons:

Group lessons for 6 people are available on a monthly basis at a very reasonable price. Stay in touch with the teacher and your classmates outside of class time to find answers to your questions about the lessons.

One-to-one lessons:

It is the most efficient lesson method.

With a 60-minute lesson time completely tailored to the needs of the student, our students can easily learn even the most difficult subjects in a very short time.

After deciding on an individual lesson, we plan a 15-minute DEMO lesson ( free of charge) with a teacher suitable for your needs. Because we are aware that an ideal lesson environment is only provided with a mutually sympathetic environment between the teacher and the student.

After agreeing on the teacher, we determine the day and time of the lesson together and follow up that the lessons are held regularly.

Exam Preparation:

Experienced teachers train students not only for a single exam, but also for studying for exams in general. Therefore, they will also be prepared for the exams that will appear later.

It is always necessary to have difficulty to get good grades. Make lessons and exams fun with Digi-Homeschooling. 

And remember! Education continues throughout life

Skills Developed

Speaking German
Reading and Writing German
Listening to German
Attention and focus
Self-confidence and socialization

Course Curriculum

1- Wortarten

2- Satzglieder

3- Satzzeichen

4- Vergangenheitsformen

5- Wortfamilien

6- Adjektive

7- Zusammengesetzte Nomen

8- Pronomen

9- Verben beugen

10- Rechtschreibung

11- Wortarten

12- Satzglieder

  1. Wort- und Satzlehre
  2. Satzglieder, Satzlehre, Plural, 
  3. die vier Fälle, Zeiten, Wortarten
  4. Zeitangaben, Nachsilben, “wie” oder “als”
  5. Sprachbetrachtung
  6. Rechtschreibung
  7. Diktat
  8. Wortlehre
  9. Satzarten 
  10. Satzzeichen
  11. Sprachbetrachtung
  12. Term Revision & Evaluation
  1. Satzglieder
  2. Pronomen
  3. Zeitformen
  4. Diktat
  5. 4 Fälle der Nomen
  6. Nomen, Artikel
  7. Relativpronomen
  8. Adjektive
  9. Rechtschreibung
  10. Verbformen
  11. Adjektive
  12. Deklinieren
  13. Verbformen
  1. Größen und Maßeinheiten
  2. Natürliche Zahlen
  3. Umgang mit Geodreieck und Zirkel
  4. Der richtige Umgang mit dem Geodreieck
  5. Brüche
  6. Umfang- Volumen- und Flächenberechnung
  7. Körper
  8. Zahlen und Größen
  9. Zeit
  10. Zahlenterme
  11. Zahlensysteme
  12. Gleichungen und Terme
  13. Liter und Milliliter
  14. Teiler und Vielfache
  15. Textaufgaben und Zweisatz
  16. Strecken, Geraden, Koordinatensystem
  17. Gerade, Parallele, Konstruieren von Figuren
  18. Längen
  19. Gewichte
  20. Maßstab
  21. Verschiedene Themen
  22. Grundrechenarten
  23. Abstand Punkt, Teilmengen
  24. Mengenlehre
  25. Rechengesetze
  26. Stochastik (Zählprinzip)
  1. Wortarten
  2. Wortfamilien
  3. Verben beugen
  4. Satzglieder
  5. Satzzeichen
  6. Vergangenheitsformen
  7. Adjektive
  8. Zusammengesetzte Nomen
  9. Pronomen
  10. Rechtschreibung
  1. Zeitformen
  2. Bericht schreiben
  3. Wortlehre
  4. Aktiv – Passiv
  5. Satzarten und Satzzeichen
  6. Zeichensetzung
  1. Zeitformen
  2. Bericht schreiben
  3. Wortlehre
  4. Aktiv – Passiv
  5. Satzarten und Satzzeichen
  6. Zeichensetzung
  1. Zeitformen
  2. Bericht schreiben
  3. Rechtschreibung
  4. Aktiv – Passiv
  5. Inhaltsangabe
  6. Wortarten
  7. Zeichensetzung
  8. Wortlehre
  9. Satzglieder
  10. Satzarten und Satzzeichen
  11. Märchen und Fabeln
  12. Aufsatz
  13. Gedichte
  1. Aktiv – passive
  2. Zeichensetzung
  3. Diktat
  4. Wortarten
  1. Aktiv – Passiv
  2. Wortarten
  3. Zeichensetzung
  4. Diktat
  1. Pronomen, Reflexivpronomen, Demonstrativpronomen, Indefinitpronomen
  2. Zeichensetzung
  3. Konjunktionen
  4. Rechtschreibung
  5. Textverständnis
  6. Diktat
  7. Gedichte
  8. Aktiv – Passiv
  9. Relativsätze
  10. Tempus
  11. Partizip
  12. Adverbialsätze
  13. Wortschatz
  14. Indirekte Rede
  15. Aufsatz
  16. Satzglieder
  1. Wortarten
  2. Diktate
  3. Satzglieder
  4. Flächen und Volumen
  5. Dialog schreiben
  6. Zeitungsartikel schreiben
  7. Adverbiale Bestimmungen
  1. Diktat
  2. Adverbiale Bestimmungen
  3. Zeitungsartikel schreiben
  4. Wortarten
  1. Diktate
  2. Nomen deklinieren
  3. Tagebucheintrag
  4. Satzglieder
  5. Nebensätze
  6. Gedichtsinterpretation
  7. Fälle
  8. Zeitungsartikel schreiben
  9. Kasus
  10. Textverständnis
  11. Zeitformen
  12. Synonyme
  13. Zeitformen, Textverständnis
  14. Steigerungsformen
  15. Kommasetzung
  16. Aktiv – Passiv
Course Price

65€ (Monthly)

Course Features
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