

Unser Ziel ist es, dass Grund- und Fortgeschrittenenschüler mit unserem Lehrplan ein akademisches Niveau erreichen, das ihr Niveau verbessern kann.


Der Kurs umfasst 2 Stunden pro Woche (je 45 Minuten + 45 Minuten).
Es handelt sich um einen 1-jährigen Kurs, der aus 3-monatigen Modulen besteht.
Die MONATLICHE Gebühr beträgt 58 €.

Für diejenigen geeignet, die den „Anfängerlevel“ in Englisch abgeschlossen haben.

Für Schüler, die gerade erst mit dem Englischlernen beginnen, zielt der Kurs darauf ab, ihnen die Grundlagen der Sprache beizubringen, indem sie Namen, Farben und ähnliche grundlegende Objekte lernen und gleichzeitig die grundlegende Satzstruktur vermitteln. Gleichzeitig soll Unterstützung für den Englischunterricht in der Schule geboten werden, um eine Motivationsquelle für die Schüler zu schaffen.

Für Schüler mit vorhandenen Grundkenntnissen oder Fortgeschrittenen zielt unser Lehrplan darauf ab, sie auf ein akademisches Niveau zu bringen.
Der Digi-Homeschooling Englischkurs spricht alle vier Fähigkeiten der Schüler (Sprechen, Schreiben, Lesen, Hören) an und fördert eine Haltung, die es ihnen ermöglicht, Englisch in allen Bereichen zu verwenden. Aus diesem Grund hat das System eine Methode eingeführt, mit der die Schüler ihren Fortschritt und ihre Teilnahme am Unterricht genau verfolgen können. Ein Anwesenheitsverzeichnis, das von jedem Lehrer ausgefüllt und bewertet wird, zeigt den Schülern, wie sie in Bezug auf das jeweilige Thema abschneiden.

Es werden Aktivitäten mit hoher Interaktion während des Unterrichts bevorzugt, und die Teilnahme aller Schüler wird unterstützt.
Bevor der Unterricht beginnt, werden Klassen festgelegt und ein WhatsApp-Gruppenchat erstellt, der Schüler, Lehrer, Eltern und Abteilungsverantwortliche informiert.

Nach jeder Unterrichtsstunde weisen unsere Lehrer Hausaufgaben zu und informieren die Eltern über diese Aufgaben.
Auf diese Weise werden die Schüler ihre Nutzung der englischen Sprache bereichern und Tag für Tag Fortschritte machen.
Digi-Homeschooling, ein äußerst professionelles Unternehmen im Bereich der Bildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen, unterrichtet Ihre Kinder mit einem professionellen Lehrerteam Englisch.

Unterstützung des Schulunterrichts
Vorbereitung auf Schulprüfungen
Entwicklung des Englischdenkens
Förderung des Selbstvertrauens der Schüler und besseres Verständnis der Themen
Entwicklung der vier Englischfähigkeiten der Schüler.
Entwickelte Fähigkeiten
Englisch sprechen
Englisch lesen und schreiben
Englisch hören
Aufmerksamkeit und Fokussierung
Selbstvertrauen und Sozialisierung


LEHRPLAN – Grundstufe

Lecture 1.1 Verb Be
Lecture 1.2 Subject Pronoun
Lecture 1.3 Possessive Adjectives
Lecture 1.4 Numbers 0-100
Lecture 1.5 Classroom Language
Lecture 1.6 Days of the Week & Countries
Lecture 1.7 Singular Plural Nouns
Lecture 1.8 In-On-Under
Lecture 1.9 Adjectives
Lecture 1.10 Modifiers: Very, Really, Quite…
Lecture 1.11 Feelings
Lecture 1.12 Imperatives

Lecture 2.1 Verb Be
Lecture 2.2 Subject Pronoun
Lecture 2.3 Possessive Adjectives
Lecture 2.4 Numbers 0-100
Lecture 2.5 Classroom Language
Lecture 2.6 Days of the Week & Countries
Lecture 2.7 Singular Plural Nouns
Lecture 2.8 In-On-Under
Lecture 2.9 Adjectives
Lecture 2.10 Modifiers: Very, Really, Quite…
Lecture 2.11 Feelings
Lecture 2.12 Imperatives

Lecture 3.1 Present Simple
Lecture 3.2 Word Order
Lecture 3.3 Telling Time
Lecture 3.4 Question Words
Lecture 3.5 Possessive ’s / Whose
Lecture 3.6 Preposition of Time
Lecture 3.7 Preposition of Place
Lecture 3.8 Daily Routine & Frequency Adverbs
Lecture 3.9 Can/Could
Lecture 3.10 Present Continuous
Lecture 3.11 Simple Present or Present Continuous
Lecture 3.12 Weather & Clothes

Lecture 4.1 Object Pronoun
Lecture 4.2 Ordinal Numbers
Lecture 4.3 Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Lecture 4.4 Word Formation (Write – Write/Sing – Er)
Lecture 4.5 Collocations „Go-Have-Get“
Lecture 4.6 There Is – There Was
Lecture 4.7 Quantifiers
Lecture 4.8 Comparatives
Lecture 4.9 Superlatives
Lecture 4.10 Going To
Lecture 4.11 Adverbs
Lecture 4.12 Present Perfect

LEHRPLAN – Mittelstufe

Lecture 1.1 Simple Present
Lecture 1.2 Present Continuous
Lecture 1.3 Past Simple
Lecture 1.4 Past Continuous
Lecture 1.5 Preposition of Time (In-On-At)
Lecture 1.6 Time Connectors
Lecture 1.7 Future Tenses
Lecture 1.8 Present Perfect (Yet-Just-Already)
Lecture 1.9 Do-Make
Lecture 1.10 Adjectives Ending in -ing/-ed
Lecture 1.11 Something, Anything, Nothing
Lecture 1.12 Comparative & Superlative

Lecture 2.1 Word Order in Questions
Lecture 2.2 Simple Present
Lecture 2.3 Present Continuous
Lecture 2.4 Describing People
Lecture 2.5 Past Simple
Lecture 2.6 Past Continuous
Lecture 2.7 Preposition of Time (In-On-At)
Lecture 2.8 Time Connectors
Lecture 2.9 Be Going To (Plan-Prediction)
Lecture 2.10 Present Continuous (Future Arrangement)
Lecture 2.11 Defining Relative Clause
Lecture 2.12 Verb + Preposition (Arrive In, Stay At, …)

Lecture 3.1 Present Perfect (Yet-Just-Already)
Lecture 3.2 Do – Make
Lecture 3.3 Adjectives Ending in -ing/-ed
Lecture 3.4 Something, Anything, Nothing
Lecture 3.5 Comparative & Superlative
Lecture 3.6 Quantifiers
Lecture 3.7 Too – Enough
Lecture 3.8 Types of Numbers
Lecture 3.9 Will-Won’t-Shall (Predictions & Other Uses)
Lecture 3.10 Opposite Verbs
Lecture 3.11 Verb Forms: Present-Past-Future
Lecture 3.12 Modifiers

Lecture 4.1 Gerund & Infinitive
Lecture 4.2 Have To-Don’t Have To-
Lecture 4.3 Must-Mustn’t
Lecture 4.4 Adjective + Preposition (Afraid Of, Interested In)
Lecture 4.5 Should-Get
Lecture 4.6 If Clause (Type 1)
Lecture 4.7 Possessive Pronoun & Adverbs of Manner
Lecture 4.8 Present Perfect (For-Since)
Lecture 4.9 If Clauses (Type 2)
Lecture 4.10 Passive Voice
Lecture 4.11 Past Perfect Tense
Lecture 4.12 Reported Speech

LEHRPLAN – Fortgeschrittenes Niveau

Lecture1.1 Greeting
Lecture1.2 Numbers
Lecture1.3 Family
Lecture1.4 Adjectives
Lecture1.5 Can- Cannot
Lecture1.6 And – But
Lecture1.7 And – But
Lecture1.8 Toys & Games
Lecture1.9 How many
Lecture1.10 Colors
Lecture1.11 House & objects
Lecture1.12 There is preposition of place
Lecture2.1 Greeting
Lecture2.2 Alphabet
Lecture2.3 Numbers
Lecture2.4 Family Members
Lecture2.5 This-That
Lecture2.6 Question Who
Lecture2.7 Word Order
Lecture2.8 Adjectives
Lecture2.9 I’am-is-are questions
Lecture2.10 Can-Cannot
Lecture2.11 And-But
Lecture2.12 Feelings

Lecture3.1 Feelings
Lecture3.2 Let’s
Lecture3.3 Toys & Games
Lecture3.4 How many
Lecture3.5 Have got
Lecture3.6 Colors
Lecture3.7 House & Objects
Lecture3.8 There is
Lecture3.9 Preposition of place
Lecture3.10 Shapes
Lecture3.11 Place names
Lecture3.12 Where ?

Lecture4.1 Transportation
Lecture4.2 in-on-at-by
Lecture4.3 Here- there
Lecture4.4 How can I go ..?
Lecture4.5 Weather conditions
Lecture4.6 Weather conditions
Lecture4.7 Weather conditions
Lecture4.8 Animals
Lecture4.9 Like – Don’t like- Dislike
Lecture4.10 Is there / are there

Müfredat 4. Sınıf
Lecture 1.1 Classroom Language
Lecture 1.2 Numbers
Lecture 1.3 Asking Nationality
Lecture 1.4 Directions
Lecture 1.5 Can-Cannot
Lecture 1.6 Possessive Adjectives & Whose
Lecture 1.7 Free Time Activities
Lecture 1.8 Like-Don’t Like
Lecture 1.9 Simple Present
Lecture 1.10 Telling Time
Lecture 1.11 Science Vocabulary
Lecture 1.12 Question Words

Lecture 2.1 Classroom Rules
Lecture 2.2 Classroom Language
Lecture 2.3 School Objects
Lecture 2.4 Numbers
Lecture 2.5 Asking Nationality
Lecture 2.6 Directions
Lecture 2.7 Basic Verbs
Lecture 2.8 Can-Cannot
Lecture 2.9 And-But
Lecture 2.10 This-These
Lecture 2.11 Possessive Adjectives & Whose
Lecture 2.12 Free Time Activities

Lecture 3.1 I am – is – are // Do
Lecture 3.2 Like – Don’t Like
Lecture 3.3 Asking For Clarification
Lecture 3.4 Simple Present
Lecture 3.5 Telling Time
Lecture 3.6 Days of the Week
Lecture 3.7 Preposition of Place
Lecture 3.8 Science Vocabulary
Lecture 3.9 Question Words
Lecture 3.10 Jobs
Lecture 3.11 Work Place and Objects
Lecture 3.12 Clothes

Lecture 4.1 Seasons & Months
Lecture 4.2 Months – Dates
Lecture 4.3 Weather Conditions
Lecture 4.4 Weather Conditions
Lecture 4.5 Adjectives of Appearance
Lecture 4.6 Describing Appearance
Lecture 4.7 Word Order
Lecture 4.8 Food & Drinks
Lecture 4.9 A-An-Some
Lecture 4.10 Would You Like
Lecture 4.11 Do You Want
Lecture 4.12 Revision of Term

Lecture 1.1 Articles Plurals
Lecture 1.2 Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjectives
Lecture 1.3 Verb „be“ & Question Words
Lecture 1.4 Have Got
Lecture 1.5 Preposition of Place
Lecture 1.6 Preposition of Movements
Lecture 1.7 There Is/Are Imperatives
Lecture 1.8 Gerund Can-Cannot
Lecture 1.9 Present Simple
Lecture 1.10 Frequency Adverbs
Lecture 1.11 Object Pronouns Should-Shouldn’t
Lecture 1.12 Adjectives (-ed/-ing)

Lecture 2.1 Articles Plurals
Lecture 2.2 Subject Pronoun
Lecture 2.3 Possessive Adjectives
Lecture 2.4 Verb „to be“
Lecture 2.5 Question Words
Lecture 2.6 Preposition of Place
Lecture 2.7 Preposition of Movements
Lecture 2.8 Have Got
Lecture 2.9 There Is/Are
Lecture 2.10 Imperatives
Lecture 2.11 Possessive Case
Lecture 2.12 Gerund

Lecture 3.1 Can – Cannot
Lecture 3.2 Present Simple
Lecture 3.3 Present Simple
Lecture 3.4 Frequency Adverbs
Lecture 3.5 Question Words
Lecture 3.6 Object Pronouns
Lecture 3.7 Revision of Pronouns
Lecture 3.8 Should-Shouldn’t
Lecture 3.9 Adjectives (-ed/-ing)
Lecture 3.10 Adjectives (-ed/-ing)
Lecture 3.11 Types of Movies
Lecture 3.12 May I – Can I

Lecture 4.1 Months – Dates
Lecture 4.2 Months – Dates
Lecture 4.3 Must – Musn’t
Lecture 4.4 Comparative
Lecture 4.5 Superlative
Lecture 4.6 Present Continuous
Lecture 4.7 Parts of Animals
Lecture 4.8 Past of “be”
Lecture 4.9 Regular Verbs
Lecture 4.10 Irregular Verbs
Lecture 4.11 Past Simple Revision
Lecture 4.12 Term Revision



Lecture 1.1 Pronouns
Lecture 1.2 Have Got – There Is
Lecture 1.3 Articles
Lecture 1.4 Question Words
Lecture 1.5 Present Simple
Lecture 1.6 Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Lecture 1.7 Nouns – A – Any – Some
Lecture 1.8 Past Simple and Continuous
Lecture 1.9 Will – Going to
Lecture 1.10 Comparative – Superlative
Lecture 1.11 Question Tags & Have To
Lecture 1.12 First Conditional


Lecture 2.1 Subject Pronoun
Lecture 2.2 Possessive Adjectives
Lecture 2.3 „This-That, These-Those“ & Can-Cannot
Lecture 2.4 Have Got
Lecture 2.5 „Have Got & There Is/Are“
Lecture 2.6 Preposition of Place
Lecture 2.7 Articles
Lecture 2.8 Question Words
Lecture 2.9 Present Simple
Lecture 2.10 Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Lecture 2.11 Present Continuous for Future
Lecture 2.12 Nouns (Countable – Uncountable)


Lecture 3.1 A-An-Some-Any – Quantifiers
Lecture 3.2 Past of „Be“
Lecture 3.3 Regular Verbs
Lecture 3.4 Irregular Verbs
Lecture 3.5 Will – Going To
Lecture 3.6 One-Ones
Lecture 3.7 Comparative – Superlative
Lecture 3.8 Question Tags
Lecture 3.9 Have To
Lecture 3.10 First Conditional
Lecture 3.11 Present Perfect


Lecture 4.1 Just-Yet-Already
Lecture 4.2 Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Lecture 4.3 Past Continuous and Past Simple
Lecture 4.4 Adverbs of Manner
Lecture 4.5 Should & Shouldn’t
Lecture 4.6 Must & Need
Lecture 4.7 Because – So
Lecture 4.8 In Order To
Lecture 4.9 „Possessive Pronoun“
Lecture 4.10 Relative Pronoun
Lecture 4.11 Too-Enough
Lecture 4.12 Term Revision


Lecture 1.1 Describing People
Lecture 1.2 Comparatives
Lecture 1.3 Sports (Play-Go-Do)
Lecture 1.4 Adverbs of Frequency
Lecture 1.5 Word Order
Lecture 1.6 Question Words
Lecture 1.7 Past of „to be“
Lecture 1.8 Regular & Irregular Verbs
Lecture 1.9 Telling Date
Lecture 1.10 Wildlife Vocabulary
Lecture 1.11 Parts of Animals & Should
Lecture 1.12 TV Programs


Lecture 2.1 Describing People
Lecture 2.2 Describing People
Lecture 2.3 Comparatives
Lecture 2.4 Comparatives
Lecture 2.5 Sports (Play-Go-Do)
Lecture 2.6 Adverbs of Frequency
Lecture 2.7 Word Order
Lecture 2.8 Question Words
Lecture 2.9 Past of „to be“
Lecture 2.10 Regular & Irregular Verbs
Lecture 2.11 Telling Date
Lecture 2.12 Wildlife Vocabulary


Lecture 3.1 Parts of Animals
Lecture 3.2 Should
Lecture 3.3 TV Programs
Lecture 3.4 TV Programs
Lecture 3.5 Prefer
Lecture 3.6 Prefer
Lecture 3.7 Party Words
Lecture 3.8 Making Suggestions
Lecture 3.9 Quantifiers
Lecture 3.10 Quantifiers
Lecture 3.11 Future Simple
Lecture 3.12 Future Simple


Lecture 4.1 If Clause (1)
Lecture 4.2 If Clause (1)
Lecture 4.3 Public Buildings
Lecture 4.4 To Infinitive
Lecture 4.5 To Infinitive
Lecture 4.6 Environment Vocabulary
Lecture 4.7 Must-Have To
Lecture 4.8 Should
Lecture 4.9 Planets
Lecture 4.10 Superlative
Lecture 4.11 Comparative or Superlative
Lecture 4.12 Revision


Lecture 1.1 Make Suggestion
Lecture 1.2 Be Going To
Lecture 1.3 Present Continuous Future
Lecture 1.4 Simple Present
Lecture 1.5 Prefer
Lecture 1.6 Teen Life
Lecture 1.7 Describing Process
Lecture 1.8 Some Linkers
Lecture 1.9 Making a Phone Call
Lecture 1.10 Answering a Phone Call
Lecture 1.11 Will or Going To
Lecture 1.12 Internet Vocabulary

Lecture 2.1 Would Like
Lecture 2.2 Make Suggestion
Lecture 2.3 Make Suggestion
Lecture 2.4 Be Going To
Lecture 2.5 Present Continuous Future
Lecture 2.6 Simple Present
Lecture 2.7 Like-Dislike
Lecture 2.8 Prefer
Lecture 2.9 Teen Life
Lecture 2.10 Describing Process
Lecture 2.11 Some Linkers
Lecture 2.12 In the Kitchen

Lecture 3.1 Making a Phone Call
Lecture 3.2 Answering a Phone Call
Lecture 3.3 Will or Going To
Lecture 3.4 Internet Vocabulary
Lecture 3.5 And-But-So-Because
Lecture 3.6 Safety on the Net
Lecture 3.7 Sports and Activities
Lecture 3.8 Comparison
Lecture 3.9 Prefer – Would Rather
Lecture 3.10 Present Perfect Tense
Lecture 3.11 Present Perfect Tense
Lecture 3.12 Tourism Vocabulary

Lecture 4.1 Must – Mustn’t
Lecture 4.2 Household Duties
Lecture 4.3 Chores
Lecture 4.4 Scientists
Lecture 4.5 Science Vocabulary
Lecture 4.6 Question Words
Lecture 4.7 Question Words
Lecture 4.8 Natural Forces Vocabulary
Lecture 4.9 Natural Forces Vocabulary
Lecture 4.10 Precautions
Lecture 4.11 Precautions
Lecture 4.12 Revision of the Term


Lecture 1.1 Present Simple
Lecture 1.2 Subject Pronoun
Lecture 1.3 Possessive Adjective
Lecture 1.4 Have Got – Imperatives
Lecture 1.5 Preposition of Place – There Is
Lecture 1.6 Singular-Plural Nouns
Lecture 1.7 Demonstratives
Lecture 1.8 Object Pronouns
Lecture 1.9 Comparatives
Quiz 1.10 Telling Time (0 questions)
Lecture 1.11 Telling Time
Lecture 1.12 Telling Date
Lecture 1.13 Invitations

Lecture 2.1 Present Simple
Lecture 2.2 Pronouns
Lecture 2.3 Have Got – Imperatives
Lecture 2.4 Preposition of Place – There Is
Lecture 2.5 Demonstratives
Lecture 2.6 Comparatives
Lecture 2.7 Telling Time
Lecture 2.8 Telling Date
Lecture 2.9 Frequency Adverbs
Lecture 2.10 Can-Cannot
Lecture 2.11 Adverbs of Manner
Lecture 2.12 Present Continuous

Lecture 3.1 Frequency Adverbs
Lecture 3.2 Can-Cannot
Lecture 3.3 Adverbs of Manner
Lecture 3.4 Present Continuous
Lecture 3.5 Comparative or Superlative
Lecture 3.6 Question Tags
Lecture 3.7 Simple Present or Present Continuous
Lecture 3.8 And-But-So-Because
Lecture 3.9 Simple Past
Lecture 3.10 Talking About Past Events
Lecture 3.11 Present Perfect
Lecture 3.12 Giving Advice

Lecture 4.1 Obligation & Prohibition
Lecture 4.2 Future Tense
Lecture 4.3 Countable-Uncountable
Lecture 4.4 Quantifiers
Lecture 4.5 Making Request & Phone Call
Lecture 4.6 Simple Future
Lecture 4.7 Present Continuous or Simple Future
Lecture 4.8 Social Media and TV
Lecture 4.9 Revision of Term


Lecture 1.1 Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Lecture 1.2 Describing Future Plans & Arrangements
Lecture 1.3 Will vs Going To
Lecture 1.4 Past Simple
Lecture 1.5 Past Continuous
Lecture 1.6 When-While
Lecture 1.7 Describing Habits & Routines
Lecture 1.8 Describing Traditions
Lecture 1.9 Used To
Lecture 1.10 Present Perfect
Lecture 1.11 Since-For
Lecture 1.12 Just-Already-Yet-Before

Lecture 2.1 School Life
Lecture 2.2 Occupations
Lecture 2.3 Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Lecture 2.4 Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Lecture 2.5 Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Lecture 2.6 Describing Future Plans & Arrangements
Lecture 2.7 Simple Future
Lecture 2.8 Present Continuous
Lecture 2.9 Will vs Going To
Lecture 2.10 Past Simple
Lecture 2.11 Past Continuous
Lecture 2.12 When-While
Lecture 2.13 When-While

Lecture 3.1 Describing Habits & Routines
Lecture 3.2 Describing Traditions
Lecture 3.3 Childhood Memories
Lecture 3.4 Used To
Lecture 3.5 Present Perfect
Lecture 3.6 Since-For
Lecture 3.7 Just-Already-Yet-Before
Lecture 3.8 Gone-Been
Lecture 3.9 Question Tags
Lecture 3.10 If Clauses
Lecture 3.11 Should & Ought To & Had Better
Lecture 3.12 Polite Requests

Lecture 4.1 Obligation & Prohibition
Lecture 4.2 Food & Drinks
Lecture 4.3 Passive Voice
Lecture 4.4 Sequencing Words
Lecture 4.5 Technology
Lecture 4.6 Relative Clause
Lecture 4.7 Prefer
Lecture 4.8 Signal Words
Lecture 4.9 Modern Heroes
Lecture 4.10 If Clauses (Type 2)
Lecture 4.11 Gerund
Lecture 4.12 Comparison

Lecture 1.1 Future Tenses
Lecture 1.2 Can-Could
Lecture 1.3 Past Tenses
Lecture 1.4 Used To
Lecture 1.5 Wish Clauses
Lecture 1.6 If Clauses (Type 3)
Lecture 1.7 Modals of Certainty
Lecture 1.8 Modals of Criticism
Lecture 1.9 Expressing Advice
Lecture 1.10 Passive Voice
Lecture 1.11 Comparative & Superlative
Lecture 1.12 Reported Speech

Lecture 2.1 Will-Going To
Lecture 2.2 Present Continuous for Future
Lecture 2.3 Future Continuous
Lecture 2.4 Can-Could
Lecture 2.5 Would Rather
Lecture 2.6 Gerund – Infinitive
Lecture 2.7 Past Simple
Lecture 2.8 Past Continuous
Lecture 2.9 Used To
Lecture 2.10 Past Simple
Lecture 2.11 Past Perfect
Lecture 2.12 Past Perfect

Lecture 3.1 Wish Clauses
Lecture 3.2 Wish Clauses
Lecture 3.3 If Clauses (Type 3)
Lecture 3.4 If Clauses (Type 3)
Lecture 3.5 Modals of Certainty
Lecture 3.6 Modals of Certainty
Lecture 3.7 Modals of Criticism
Lecture 3.8 Modals of Criticism
Lecture 3.9 Expressing Advice
Lecture 3.10 Passive Voice
Lecture 3.11 Passive Voice
Lecture 3.12 Describing Cities & Countries

Lecture 4.1 Comparative & Superlative
Lecture 4.2 Comparative & Superlative
Lecture 4.3 Talking About Landmarks & Monuments
Lecture 4.4 Reported Speech
Lecture 4.5 Reported Speech
Lecture 4.6 Talking About Sports
Lecture 4.7 Relative Clause
Lecture 4.8 Relative Clause
Lecture 4.9 Either…Or Neither…Nor
Lecture 4.10 Both…And… Not Only…But Also…
Lecture 4.11 Expressing Opinion
Lecture 4.12 Making Comment

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